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Company information | Mobile Ace Shop

Business information
Company name:Három Ász Média Kft.
Headquarters / mailing address:2336 Dunavarsány, Pozsonyi utca 8. (Nem bolt!)
Tax number:23115569-2-13
Company registration number:13-09-143749
Name of registering court:Budapest Környéki Törvényszék Cégbírósága
Stored company extract:Details
Stored company extract:Erste bank
Account holder:Három Ász Média Kft.
Bank account number:11600006-00000000-77859125
Name of service provider:3 in 1 Hosting Bt.
Headquarters / mailing address:Szigetszentmiklós Forrás u. 12.
Telephone number:06 21 200 0040
Email:admin@3in1host.com (The hosting provider is not involved in commercial activities, please do not contact him in this matter!)
Actual geographic location of web server:GTS Szerver Hotel, 2040 Budaörs, Ipartelep u. 13-15.

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